All Excel Functions and Formula

  1. SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX: These are basic arithmetic functions that allow you to calculate the total, average, minimum, or maximum value of a range of cells.
  2. COUNT, COUNTIF, COUNTA: These functions allow you to count the number of cells in a range that meet certain criteria, or are not empty.
  3. IF, AND, OR: These functions allow you to test for specific conditions or logical expressions in your data, and return different values or actions depending on the result.
  4. VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP: These functions allow you to look up and return values from a table or range based on specific criteria, either vertically or horizontally.
  5. INDEX, MATCH: These functions allow you to look up and return values from a table or range based on specific criteria, using more flexible and powerful matching algorithms.
  6. CONCATENATE, LEFT, RIGHT, MID: These functions allow you to manipulate and combine text strings in your data, such as to extract certain characters or merge cells.
  7. ROUND, ROUNDUP, ROUNDDOWN: These functions allow you to round numbers to a specific number of decimal places, or to the nearest multiple.
  8. DATE, YEAR, MONTH, DAY: These functions allow you to manipulate and extract date and time values from your data.
  9. LEN, TRIM: These functions allow you to manipulate and clean up text strings in your data, such as to remove extra spaces or characters.
  10. XLOOKUP: This function allows you to look up and return values from a table or range based on specific criteria, using a more flexible and efficient algorithm.
  11. ROUNDIF: This function allows you to round a number based on a specified condition.
  12. CEILING: This function rounds a number up to the nearest multiple of a specified value.
  13. FLOOR: This function rounds a number down to the nearest multiple of a specified value.
  14. PRODUCT: This function multiplies a range of cells together.
  15. QUOTIENT: This function returns the integer portion of a division operation.
  16. MOD: This function returns the remainder of a division operation.
  17. RAND and RANDBETWEEN: These functions generate random numbers. RAND generates a random number between 0 and 1, while RANDBETWEEN generates a random number between two specified values. They can be useful for simulations and random sampling.
  18. PERCENTILE: This function returns the percentile rank of a value in a list of values.
  19. AVERAGEIF: This function calculates the average of a range of cells that meet a specified condition.
  20. MEDIAN: This function returns the median value in a list of numbers.
  21. STDEV: This function calculates the standard deviation of a range of cells.
  22. MODE: This function returns the most commonly occurring value in a range of cells.
  23. TREND: This function calculates a linear trendline (linear regression) for a range of data.
  24. GROWTH: This function calculates an exponential growth trendline for a range of data.
  25. DATEDIF: This function calculates the number of days, months, or years between two dates. It can be useful for calculating durations or time differences between events.
  26. CHOOSE: This function allows you to return a value from a list of options based on a specified index number. It can be useful for creating custom labels or rankings based on a set of values.
  27. NETWORKDAYS: This function calculates the number of working days between two dates, taking into account weekends and holidays. It can be useful for calculating project timelines and scheduling.
  28. TEXT: This function allows you to convert a number into a text string with a specified format. It can be useful for formatting dates and times, currency values, and other numerical data.
  29. IF and IFERROR: These functions allow you to perform different calculations or return different values depending on whether a specified condition is true or false. IFERROR is particularly useful for error handling and can be used to replace error values with more informative messages.
  30. COUNTIF and SUMIF: These functions count or sum the number of cells in a range that meet a specified criteria. They can be used to filter and summarize data sets based on specific conditions.
  31. RANK: Returns the rank of a number within a range of numbers
  32. CORREL: Calculates the correlation coefficient between two ranges of numbers
  33. FV: Calculates the future value of an investment, based on a series of regular payments and a fixed interest rate
  34. PV: Calculates the present value of an investment, based on a series of future payments and a fixed interest rate
  35. PMT: Calculates the payment required to pay off a loan or investment, based on a fixed interest rate and a fixed payment period
  36. NPV: Calculates the net present value of an investment, based on a series of future cash flows and a fixed interest rate
  37. IRR: Calculates the internal rate of return of an investment, based on a series of future cash flows
  38. SUBSTITUTE: Replaces a specified character or text string with another character or text string within a given text string
  39. FIND: Returns the position of a specified character or text string within a given text string
  40. MID: Returns a specified number of characters from a given text string, starting at a specified position
  41. UPPER: Converts all text in a given text string to uppercase
  42. LOWER: Converts all text in a given text string to lowercase
  43. LEFTB: Returns a specified number of bytes from the beginning of a given text string
  44. RIGHTB: Returns a specified number of bytes from the end of a given text string
  45. LENB: Returns the number of bytes in a given text string
  46. INDIRECT: Returns the reference specified by a text string
  47. TODAY: Returns the current date
  48. NOW: Returns the current date and time
  49. EOMONTH: Returns the last day of a month that is a specified number of months before or after a given date

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