Scaler Neovarsity: Master of Science in Computer Science – AIML Degree

We can only choose one elective without degree. With the course, we can do both electives.

Course name – scaler neovarsity course

Certificate by Woolf University

Cost – Additional 1 Lac. 

No-EMI loan- maximum tenure 12 years.

5 credit points for each subject.

18 module – 

Title of the Degree – Master in Computer Science (AI & ML)

EC approved. equavalent to anny college degree from Europe. It is accepted across 60 colleges.

It started in Aug, 2022.

Till 900 student enrolled from Tech & DSML.

Summary of AMA for Master of Science in Computer Science – AIML Degree

1. Having a Data Science Master Degree will increase the chances of getting the resume shortlisted.

2. The Data Science Master Degree program is 6 months longer than the DSML program, totaling 18 months.

3. People without a formal degree or education in Data science should apply for this Master Degree in Data Science.

4. Clearing every module (including optional ones) is required to receive the Degree Certificate.

5. The Master Degree program requires an additional fee of 1 Lakh.

6. If a student fails an exam, they can retake it after 1 month.

7. The deadline for the program is 27th Feb.

8. Joshua Broggi from Woolf University in California has joined the program.

9. The Master Degree program is a 90 ECTS credits formal degree.

10. Completing the Master Degree program can help in pursuing a Ph.D.

11. Woolf University has physical offices in Switzerland, Malta, and Wisconsin.

12. The university will start an Undergraduate program in Bangalore in 2023.

13. Information on Degree Mobility and Immigration can be found at

14. Information on accreditation can be found at

15. The physical degree certificate can be provided on request.

16. It is not possible to complete the Master Degree program after completing the DSML course.

17. In the Master Degree program, all electives must be completed, while in the DSML course only one elective is completed. Other electives can be viewed in recorded videos by DSML students.

18. Both Deep Learning and Machine Learning electives are offered in the Master Degree program.

19. The additional fee of 1 Lakh also includes the cost of maintaining student degree data records for the next 20 years.

20. Out of 150 students from the live session, 50 have already enrolled in the Master’s Program.

21. The minimum pass percentage will be set by the instructor and announced 15 days before the exam.

22. The placement policy remains the same as the regular program.

23. The learner will receive a degree named Master of Science in Computer Science with AI and ML specialization.

24. The course duration is typically 18 months, but students can earn the degree earlier if they achieve 90 credits within that time.

25. In addition to the 6-month placement support offered in the DSML course, students can receive an additional 6 months of placement assistance. Total placement support is 1 year.

26. Clearing the Transition test and Mock interview is mandatory for the Master Degree.

27. The Advanced DSA will be available in recorded format for 4 months after Feb.

28. If universities in India accept European ECTS accredited degrees, students can use their Master Degree to pursue a Ph.D. in India.

29. Students can only receive placement opportunities again if the next offer is more than 1.6 times their first placement salary.

30. Study materials will only be available for 6 months after the completion of the course for both DSMl and Master Degree.

31. Ph.D. aspirants can receive letters of recommendation from Srikant sir and other professors in Scaler based on attendance, PSP, mock interview, and test performance.

32. It is not possible to join the Master Degree program after completing the DSML course.

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